Weave Principles


We did not invent “We-space”, it is an emerging human connection technology, now being adopted in many communities and yet it is also grounded in ancient ways of gathering in sacred circles.

Our approach utilizes this technology which allows us to access an intelligence and energy from beyond our minds. Some call this intelligence: transcendent; trans-rational; spiritual; collective consciousness and many other names.

Weave journeys are our own flavor of “We-space” based on the following three pillars:


Sacred Space

All weave journeys begin by entering a sacred space together.

We welcome all humans from all cultural and religious backgrounds including no religious background. However, a willingness and an intent to connect with the oneness that is in each of us, is between us and is universal is required to enter this space. That is why we intentionally choose the word “sacred” even knowing that this may prevent some people joining at this time. Whether ‘oneness’ of all beings is core to your own deepest beliefs or if you are just willing to play with us in this space, you are welcome.


HUman Dignity

All humans are treated with dignity and respected as sacred beings.

The Weave journey is carefully designed to honor each and every individual equally. Here we all are on this planet, here we are in this circle, here we are in the moment in time. Connection with each and every human in the circle is essential to access the power of the process. As we shift from “my story” to “our story” new conversations and new possibilities emerge. A mix of individual and collective facilitation as well as shared agreements provides a safe and powerful container for this emergent conversation.



We show up to transform ourselves and the world.

Weave journeys are conceived to transform us in our inner lives, our interconnected relationships and in our outer work. We commit our most precious resource of time and attention to live as one, not as an abstract idea, but through this practice of conversation where all parts of the whole relate together. These conversations are a new way of living, transformative conversations, designed to change us and the world by opening our minds, our hearts and our will to directly connect with the power of the sacred.