Our Why

We need to start living as one right now.

One with each other. One with the planet. One with Spirit. One with all this.

For the sake of our planet, for the sake of our souls, for the sake of our grandchildren, for the sake of all this.

We live in a beautiful world and our beautiful world is in crisis.

Humans are magnificent loving beings and the cruelest beast in existence is the human.

The environmental and existential crisis exists today because humans live as if we are separate from each other and from nature.

We need to start living as one right now.

This is our why.

Wondering in the We-Space

To live as one, we have to lean in and meet each other in a space beyond our own subjective realities. This is our how. This is our experiment.

The space is called the We-Space. Our intersubjective reality.

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field. I’ll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase “each other”
doesn’t make any sense.

- Rumi

In this space, we connect with joy, we see from a shared perspective, we access collective intelligence, new possibilities emerge for our own wellbeing and for the wellbeing of the planet.

“Wonder Circles” are facilitated deep conversations in the We-Space. We are leveraging both new and ancient wisdom, from the talking circles of our ancestors to the emerging insights from neuroscience. We are standing on the shoulders of giants and by design innovations from within the circles will evolve the process.

For The Planet and For You

Our wondering is to serve the planet and yet it is equally immediate and personal.

Your own life will be transformed. In “Wonder Circles” you will receive collective wisdom and directly experience joy, connection and presence. This will transform how you see the world, this will transform you, without inner transformation there is no outer transformation.

This is equally an immediate way for you to serve by giving. Serving by holding space, by showing up, through vulnerable sharing and most importantly through deep listening to others and the We.

No need for any subjective idea of your separate self to become enlightened. This approach will get you out of yourself so that we can wake up together.

Our Vision

Humans have the capacity to be joyful, peaceful, generative members of this beautiful planet and magnificent universe.

In these “Wonder Circles” we connect with hope for humanity here in the present.

In small groups of wondering we attune to the present, to our human souls and the universal spirit.

Forming and then regularly re-forming local and global circles we weave the world. Each person taking a thread from one circle to another to another. Each circle forming a new with people and many threads. A thread could be an insight, a question that is alive, a growing capacity to listen and attune.

Diversity of generations, races, genders and every dimension of human identity is essential to this process. Inclusion of every human is implicit in weaving the world.

We hold questions with curiosity, enter a sacred space as one, listen to every individual, listen to the universal One. We engage in wonder. We are weavers of wonder.

Our task is not to form a new community but rather to build bridges. Celebrating the rich diversity of all existing communities and weaving bridges from threads of meaning and love.

Our practice of wonder is a gift to the new world from we humans to all humans.

We humbly practice wonder, knowing wondering is just one task among many.

We celebrate the builders, dancers, healers, warriors, leaders, teachers, artists and all humans who are doing their task.

Our task is to wonder and our vision is that humanity wonders as One.